Top 10k strings from Personality Analysis (1983)(Martin Malley).z80
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2 ;"TYPE 'Y' OR 'N'" 2 "very ambitious" 2 "You have ";g$;" close friends." 2 1983 MARTIN MALLEY 1 v$="stepping stones over the stream?": 1 v$="handle ? Right,left or centre ? ": 1 v$="On which side of the cup is the ": 1 v$="Is there a saucer with the cup ?": 1 v$="How many small trees are there ?": 1 v$="How many bushes are there ? 1 v$="Are there any bridges and/or ": 1 stepping stones over the stream?B 1 person + 1 j$="You may be " 1 j$="You are probably " 1 You may be t 1 You are lazyG 1 You are lazy 1 HOUSE AND PRICE 1 ;"ZX - SPECTRUM PERSONALITY TEST": 1 ;"TYPE 'R','L' OR 'C'" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY WHEN YOU ARE READY" 1 ;"CROSS MY PALM WITH SILVER,PLEASE": 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY WHEN FINISHED " 1 * PERSONALITY ANALYSIS 1 ''" 1. Under 10,000 pounds"'" 2. 10,000 to 20,000 "'" 3. 20,000 to 30,000"'" 4. Over 30,000" 1 '"TYPE THE NUMBER CORRESPONDING TO 1 "unambitious" 1 "semi-ambitious" 1 "few","many","an artistic","a practical" 1 "extremely ambitious" 1 "bisexual","difficult","easy","You are lazy" 1 "an illogical","heterosexual","homosexual" 1 "ambitious" 1 "a very logical","another","no other" 1 "a solitary person with few or no friends" 1 "a contented,unambitious person" 1 "a contented person" 1 "You tend ";g$;" give in easily." 1 "You may have - or have had - a problem such as a serious 1 "You love this person." 1 "You have ";g$;" aquaintances." 1 "You find it ";g$;" to see"'"through your problems." 1 "You fantisize","to","not to" 1 "You do things the difficult way" 1 "You do not love this person." 1 "You do not love this person verymuch." 1 "You are impractical" 1 "You are a ";g$;" person." 1 "You are ";g$;"." 1 "This analysis is not a game.It should be used seriously."'"However please note that it doesnot claim to analyse you with perfect accuracy." 1 "There is ";g$;" person in"'"your life." 1 "THANK YOU VERY MUCH.THAT WAS MOST INTERESTING !"'''"PLEASE WAIT FOR A MOMENT WHILE ITHINK ABOUT THIS." 1 "OK, now I'd like you to envisagea cup."''"Is it :-"'''"1. Decorative","2. Plain","3. Squarish" 1 "Now type in the number 1 "Now think of the garden and giveme the number of large trees there."'"(Press the ENTER key to 1 "Now think of a stream. Is it :-"''"1. Deep and murky","2. Shallow and clear" 1 "Now imagine a 20 metre high wall"'"How would you get to the other side ?"''"1. Walk","2. Climb","3. Use a rope","4. Use a ladder","5. Stand on a box","6. Jump over","7. Smash through8. Fly over" 1 "Look, you don't appear to be taking this very seriously."''"Do you wish to continue ?"'''"TYPE 'Y' FOR YES OR 'N' FOR NO" 1 "Is the cup :-"''"1. Empty","2. Half-full","3. Full" 1 "Having reached the other side ofthe wall, you find yourself faceto face with a large and very angry bear !"'' 1 "First,I want you to envisage a house."''" Is it :-"'''"1. A castle","2. A mansion","3. Detached","4. A semi","5. Terraced","6. A bungalow","7. A flat","8. A cottage","9. A cave" 1 " Would you :-"'''"1. Stay put and let it kill you"'"2. Try to run away from it"'"3. Try to fight the bear" 1 terminate your answer)" 1 personality test."'''"I hope that you found it 1 illness in your life." 1 enjoyable and revealing."'"I certainly did !!"''"We computers lead a lonely life!" 1 corresponding to the price rangethis place is in." 1 YOUR VISION,PLEASE." 1 That is the end of your 1 THANK YOU !!!